The Social Media School Yard

I’ve often talked to my clients about how Social Media is like a school yard.

I think there are some distinct groups represented:

  • Friends
  • Enemies
  • Sportstars
  • Cool Kids
  • Nerds

Let’s look at them…


This is an easy one; there are many users, businesses, organisations and general peeps who are madly giving you value, ‘how to’ tips and information to help you do whatever you are trying to do….awesome!


Hmmm…just like the world there are people who are using the internet to take advantage of you. Be aware and always ask the extra questions to make your self more comfortable…not so great.


These are the guys at the gym that are lifting weights in the mirror! Lot of eye candy but not much substance. These are the many ’10 weirdest family photos’ type sites. Spend brief amounts of time to  enjoy the view and not too much that you waste valuable working time…ok in short bursts but serious time waste otherwise!

Cool Kids:

There’s so many of them! Here’s a few of my ‘go-to’ cool kids!

The best thing about these cool kids is they are sharing their coolness with all of us!


There are some fab technical sites or resources out there. Here’s a few that I use:

  • Mashable – has so much other than what you might need but great for getting good early advice!
  • Adweek – quite wide offering but use to pick up some great info
  • Google alerts – perfect for getting current info on the run

Have a great day!

Kathy Smail


3 steps to a new year review

A review is not a stationery point in time, rather it should be a regular, structured check of recent times, current events and future plans.

Ask yourself…

  1. What’s happened? – Use the last year, six months, season or whatever period since you’ve reviewed.
  2. What’s going on now? – Look at your products, your offer, the market, your competitors…be blunt!!
  3. What’s going to happen next? – you don’t have to have a crystal ball but you need to create a plan of what you’re planning and how you’re going to get there.

Let me know how you go…


Making your time count this week!

I listed this post on the front page last week and thought that I would keep a copy here.

Monday – Spend some time with a plan!
Tuesday – As you are working through the plan…ditch work that isn’t a necessary prority this week
Wednesday – Keep at the main tasks but take a few deep breaths just for you today. Check out my blog (tab above) to see a picture for a nice visual ‘big deep breath’
Thursday – Rewrite task list to clear your head
Friday – Set a realistic goal for achivement before the weekend


Kathy Smail

Help…I’m drowning…

Funny how everything is urgent in the life of a consultant!

Sometimes good time management plans are reduced to completing the most urgent (read the one that is calling the loudest!) and frantically adding a little effort to all the other tasks to keep the requests at bay.

A good tactic is to stop working so frantically on the task, or tasks, and spend a little time planning…it seems weird to add some planning time (yep, another task!) into an already bursting schedule but it works.

Usually it only takes a little time to regroup and break down the possibly daunting tasks and create a smoother track to completion.

Try it….it works!


My new year wish for you…Get your backup sorted!

Recently I read a blog article titled ‘Two $100 products that will save your digital life’.

Following on from the usual back up call; with an external hard-drive,  Andrew Ballard from ReBusiness suggests finding a ‘swap buddy’ with whom you swap a second external hard-drive to keep on a different premises than your original files (ie computer and any initial back up)

I think it’s a great idea. I love a good back up plan and as my middle name should really have been ‘plan b’, this ticks all the boxes of a great solution.

Read the whole article here.



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