The Social Media School Yard

I’ve often talked to my clients about how Social Media is like a school yard.

I think there are some distinct groups represented:

  • Friends
  • Enemies
  • Sportstars
  • Cool Kids
  • Nerds

Let’s look at them…


This is an easy one; there are many users, businesses, organisations and general peeps who are madly giving you value, ‘how to’ tips and information to help you do whatever you are trying to do….awesome!


Hmmm…just like the world there are people who are using the internet to take advantage of you. Be aware and always ask the extra questions to make your self more comfortable…not so great.


These are the guys at the gym that are lifting weights in the mirror! Lot of eye candy but not much substance. These are the many ’10 weirdest family photos’ type sites. Spend brief amounts of time to  enjoy the view and not too much that you waste valuable working time…ok in short bursts but serious time waste otherwise!

Cool Kids:

There’s so many of them! Here’s a few of my ‘go-to’ cool kids!

The best thing about these cool kids is they are sharing their coolness with all of us!


There are some fab technical sites or resources out there. Here’s a few that I use:

  • Mashable – has so much other than what you might need but great for getting good early advice!
  • Adweek – quite wide offering but use to pick up some great info
  • Google alerts – perfect for getting current info on the run

Have a great day!

Kathy Smail


What does Social Media mean to you?

Social Media can be many things; at times a friend but others an enemy.

Erik Qulaman (author of Socialnomics) has used the following words to describe it. Social Media is…

  • Living
  • Breathing
  • Young
  • Old
  • Frustrating
  • Mysterious
  • Now
  • Powerful
  • Fluid
  • Raw
  • Your Customer
  • Revolutionary

I’d like to add some of my own. I think that Social Media can be…

  • Passionate
  • Unruly
  • Supportive
  • Isolating
  • Creative and/or
  • Overwhelming

But the most telling is that Social Media can be a school yard! There are…

  • Friends
  • Enemies
  • Cool Kids
  • Nerds and
  • Sportstars

The really big one is that there are so many unwritten rules and often you wont know what they are until you bump into them. How rude is that?

It’s a big bold world and it can take us many places!

What do you think?



The Top 7 Social Media Trends that will Dominate 2014

So is Social Media getting bigger or are people getting tired?

Jason DeMers has outlined the Top 7 Social Media trends that he believes will dominate 2014. Here they are:

  1. Investment in Social Media will become a necessity not a luxury
  2. Google+ will become a major factor
  3. Image-centric networks will see huge success
  4. We’ll witness the rise of micro-video
  5. Foursquare will decline sharply
  6. My Space, love it or hate it, will grow
  7. LinkedIn will become a major player for B2B growth

Interesting…I suspect that the thought that Social Media will become a necessity will be absolutely true for businesses but I wonder that as most platforms are free perhaps there may be opportunity for paid services.

Let’s see.

Kathy Smail



Creative Approaches…

Just a thought for today…what if you looked at your current offer and got ‘creative’???

Leave me a comment and let me know.



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